Powerless Words....

a "word",
a "sentence"
a "thought"
a "conversation"....

whenever we think, or speak, or utter a word, or we converse, are we really conscious about the same...? Since fifteen days, I am experimenting with this idea of "speaking consciously"
I remain conscious while speaking (ofcourse, I have failed at times for not being conscious), but then, I realize that with this conscious efforts, I have restrained my negative thoughts to simply go away from mind. This exercise is serving two purposes 
1. My control over thoughts 
2. My control over powerless words... 

The idea of being conscious in all things we do has its own charm. We stop powerless thoughts and we can consume the energy in doing productive work. The idea of being conscious while speaking or conversing gives an attempt to think from other perspective. When we speak, we are unconsciously in in our own perceptions. We want to communicate our thoughts in best fastest possible manner. But then, we tend to forget to check whether we and the listener community are on the same level or not - level of understanding the words or even the level of adapting the words....

A word and a sentence has an immense possibility of transformation or causing tragedy too. Miscommunication is better at times rather than causing tragedy...Words if consciously used can give us happy powerless moments...a moment of being with each other's souls...

Today, this Monday, I have picked the word "Do" for myself and will try to practice this as much as possible. You can also challenge yourself to choose a word for yourself for an hour, a day, a week and see whether it has power to transform your own soul or others soul....

(you can also share your words here, and share your experience whether it proved to be powerful or powerless)...


  1. Beautiful exercise!! It reminds me someone's saying "a word can be a pilgrimage". Equanimity, patience, love, compassion, authenticity all has its power. It will be beautiful to practice one word for one hour or one day or for one month. Have not tried consciously but I will try for sure... :)

    1. Thanks for trying this exercise...share which "words" you tried and practised...

  2. Awareness in thoughts, actions and speech helps at so many levels. Mindfulness is a constant practice. I used to make it a daily routine, but lately.. I’m trying it on an hourly basis. I have an hourly reminder that helps me reset myself - so that I don’t end up living a mechanical “chicken without head” rushed life. Calm/ deep breathing also helps tying everything on a tangible level.


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